Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Lauren Cristella

 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Elevate & Engage: Taking the Next Step for Philadelphia’s Future"
    Philadelphia, once again, will play a major role in shaping the 2024 election and in turn, our country’s history. As we navigate this critical moment, the Committee of Seventy is dedicated to ensuring the city’s future is built on transparency, trust in our institutions, and active civic participation.

    Healthy democracy requires constant attention and advocacy. When individuals get more civically engaged, the institutions that define our country and our way of life get stronger. While all eyes will be on Philadelphia through November, to truly help our city move forward, we need to leverage the energy around this election into full-time civic engagement and participation throughout our city, connecting the dots between how elections and government work, how government affects our lives, and the steps everyone can take to improve their communities. At Seventy, we’re increasing our efforts to make Philadelphia a model of good governance and civic responsibility, ensuring that our city remains a vibrant, thriving democracy. The future of Philadelphia depends on informed, engaged citizens—and we’re here to make sure every voice is heard by providing important resources, perspective, and opportunities to get involved.

Come check out Lauren and her Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


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It was Lauren's passion for active citizenship, strong public leadership and practical policy-making that led her to Broad Street and the organization that shares her dedication. In 2018, Lauren began her career at C70 as the Chief Program Officer, and in June 2023, she was named President & CEO, the first woman to serve in that role in the organization's 119-year history.

Lauren has previously served as the President of the League of Women Voters of Philadelphia, where she focused on rebuilding the organization and equipping volunteers to have a positive impact on elections at the grassroot level.

Additionally, Lauren currently serves on the Board of the Forum of Executive Women. She is also a member of Impact100 Philadelphia.

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