Friday, September 27, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Tim Nawrocki

 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Money Does Grow on Trees"
    As climate change exacerbates extreme heat in Philadelphia, the importance of our tree canopy coverage is significant. In the last 20 years Philly’s climate has shifted from feeling like Pennsylvania to feeling more like Tulsa, Oklahoma and Asheville, North Carolina. We can see a future where a comprehensive approach to creating more shade on our sidewalks, playgrounds, and public spaces is achievable and desirable.

    In order to better advocate for the urban landscape, our arguments need to be stronger than a vague “green is good” approach. We need to talk in terms of data, money and tangible outcomes. View this talk as Bernie Sanders for Trees. Bernie Sanders effectively used facts, figures, and percentages to advocate for raising the minimum wage or for Medicare for All. Arguing with data is more effective than arguing in generalizations. We can do the same as designers and advocates for the public realm. Considering trees as a key infrastructure instead of a “nice to have” we can discuss how to tackle the inequities in tree canopy disparities across poor and affluent neighborhoods. Given the pressures of climate change can we use the value of trees to advocate for a human right to shade in Philly?

Come check out Tim and his Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Tim Nawrocki
Instagram: @timothynawrocki
    Tim is Principal at LILA Landscape Architecture, a firm that specializes in bringing nature, landscape and art to the urban world. At the same time LILA advocates for the value of urban landscape, helping stakeholders, city officials and the community appreciate how much landscape can impact their wellbeing and economic output. 

    Tim is also an Instructor at Drexel University where he teaches studios and seminars focussed on integrating architecture and landscape into urban contexts. Tim graduated with distinction from Harvard University with a Master of Landscape Architecture and from Temple University with a Bachelor of Architecture. Tim is a registered architect in New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont and a registered Landscape Architect in New York and Pennsylvania.


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