Saturday, October 5, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Eric Bodzin + Anne Fadullon


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Affordable Housing Policies in Philadelphia"
    Local leaders (and friends!) in affordable housing will share highlights and perspective on the city’s housing policy agenda.

Come check out Eric + Anne and their Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Eric Bodzin
    Eric L. Bodzin provides full-service guidance to national developers and institutional investors, as well as banks, hospitals, non-profits, and companies across commercial, industrial, and multi-family industries. He focuses his practice on matters of real estate financing, acquisition, leasing, construction, condominiums, environmental, title, and diligence, including zoning, code enforcement, a nd taxation. Eric is highly regarded as an experienced adviser and dealmaker who anticipates client needs from letter of intent through post-closing.

Anne Fadullon
    Anne brings nearly 40 years of industry knowledge and expertise to this work. Most recently she served as the inaugural Deputy Mayor for the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) for the City of Philadelphia. In this position she was responsible for leading the Department in its efforts to align expertise and service delivery across a broad range of responsibilities to further the progression of the built environment, and ensure Philadelphia is a great place to live, work and play. She founded MAKE Advisory Services, LLC, which provides real estate advisory services focusing on capacity building and mentoring, with specialties in affordable housing and community development.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Kiersten Mailler


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Peer Reviews and Brews: Bringing whimsy and community to the adult workplace"
    Connectivity: People don’t just do or like one thing anymore; they are complex and curious, and their systems should be too. We are a city of neighborhoods that complement one another, from West Philly to the Riverfront, The Navy Yard to Elkins Park, each provides something that Philadelphians need and love. In uCity Square, we seek to provide a community for scientists and residents: we are the second largest gene and cell therapy hub in the country (a statistic often overlooked when Philly is underestimated), and if we can assume hybrid work is here to stay, we seek to make the 3-4 days our scientists are on site the best and most productive days of their week.

    As an urban planner, I work to make connections between people and place, place and ideas, and ideas and people. We are working to be better connected with our university partners to strengthen pipelines for workforce, company growth, education, and university/researcher networks to capture the potential of all the amazing talent in our region.
Our partnerships are our greatest strength, and Philly is one of the best cities to build a strong network. Through creativity and generosity, we are fortifying our region one big idea at a time. 

Come check out Kiersten and her Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Kiersten Mailler
    Kiersten Mailler is an Urban Planner who focuses on community engagement as the first Knowledge Community Director for a national science and technology workplace developer. She leads programming and engagement for the uCity Square community, predominantly composed of scientists, students, and west Philly residents. Kiersten hails from New England, but has made a home in Fishtown. She serves on various ULI committees (Technical Assistance and NEXT) as well as the Edmund R Bacon Committee with Design Philadelphia.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Sharrod Parker + Kya Kerner


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Transformative Urban Landscapes"
    Philadelphia needs infrastructures for vibrant, resilient urban landscapes. By addressing “tears” in the urban fabric, the goal of our tactical urbanism proposal and subsequent parking day installation was to propose creating safe, equitable, and meaningful spaces through short term installations, reconnecting communities to their surroundings through placemaking. Through a language built by this experience in addition to our tradition of co-creation via community engagement exercises, FIFTEEN has developed a method which focuses on design outcomes that aren’t preconceived but emerge through discussions and visioning.

    Our presentation will address different sites around the city, illustrating how a common language and process of philosophizing about the potential of a space while also engaging with people who live, work and play around the site of intervention can address various urban issues and lead to more sustainable design solution. Our vision transforms urban barriers into healthy connective tissue, putting design tools into the hands of communities and attempting to heal the city and prepare it for a sustainable future.

Come check out Sharrod + Kya and their Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Sharrod and Kya are designers at F I F T E E N, an Architecture and Design practice driven by the desire to affect positive change. They are passionate about entrepreneurial, cross-practice solutions that improve our built environment, our communities, and our future. Founded on our shared optimism for human interactions, they are committed to delivering a new model for their practice, improving client experience and project delivery through smart partnerships and new processes.
Linked-In: FIFTEEN
Instagram: @fifteen_xvad

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Christine Salvadore


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"The Next Generation of 911 Systems"
My role is data management for NG911 (Next Generation 911) which is coming to the city of Philadelphia’s dispatch centers in the next year. This will advance 911 systems to generate better location accuracy for callers, as well as giving calls more ways to describe their location to dispatchers to communicate the location of their emergency. I want to discuss the work I do, as well as what this means for the public when everything goes live. I have attached sample slides from a previous presentation I have done on the topic.

Come check out Christine and her Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Christine Salvadore
    Christine Salvadore has devoted her education and career within the Philadelphia region, where her work focuses on the development and maintenance of NG-911 data for integration with the statewide network as well as developing systems to maintain and deliver GIS layers to the newly developed city dispatch system. She is a graduate of Temple University’s Professional Science Masters in GIS.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Nate Hommel


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"The West Philly Waterfront: Explained"
    What's next for Philly: The West Philadelphia Waterfront will serve as the gateway to the region’s cradle of economic growth - the universities, health systems, and burgeoning life sciences companies of University City.  Amenity-rich cities draw talent and investment and signal to the world that they are ready to compete for jobs and wealth-building in a global economy.  

    The West Philadelphia Waterfront will be a two-deck public space built above the Schuylkill River extending from Chestnut to Market along Schuylkill Avenue. The upper deck will feature a welcoming, lushly planted promenade, street access to food trucks and rideshares, and sweeping views over the river and into Center City. Visitors can take stairs, an accessible ramp, or slide down to the lower deck - an entertainment hub featuring a fully public pool, a natural beach, and a covered entertainment venue. 

    The West Philadelphia Waterfront will be pivotal in promoting equity and resiliency in public space. It will become a place where young and old Philadelphians can learn how to swim, hosting citywide swim competitions and lifeguard training. Moreover, we are committed to showcasing shade as equity, providing a fully public shaded area for respite during the hottest months. Importantly, we have designed this project to withstand a 500-year storm event, demonstrating our dedication to building a robust and sustainable future for our city.

Come check out Nate and his Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Nate Hommel
Instagram: @nate_hommel
X: @natehommel
    Nate, the Director of Planning and Design at University City District (UCD) since 2012, brings dedicated enthusiasm and urban design expertise to enhance the quality of life in Philadelphia's University City. His impactful leadership includes pioneering progressive placemaking and tactical urbanism strategies, notably transforming the Trolley Portal Gardens into a vibrant public space. Spearheading initiatives like Green City Works, UCD's landscape social enterprise, Nate continues to lead innovative public space projects. Co-founding Open Streets PHL before the pandemic, and since 2020, he has advocated for community engagement and activating the public realm. He successfully guided outdoor dining initiatives during the pandemic to focus on the public realm, turning parklet rules and regs into streeteries. Nate's global influence as a speaker underscores his commitment to inclusive urban environments, featured in publications like The Washington Post.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Tim Nawrocki

 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Money Does Grow on Trees"
    As climate change exacerbates extreme heat in Philadelphia, the importance of our tree canopy coverage is significant. In the last 20 years Philly’s climate has shifted from feeling like Pennsylvania to feeling more like Tulsa, Oklahoma and Asheville, North Carolina. We can see a future where a comprehensive approach to creating more shade on our sidewalks, playgrounds, and public spaces is achievable and desirable.

    In order to better advocate for the urban landscape, our arguments need to be stronger than a vague “green is good” approach. We need to talk in terms of data, money and tangible outcomes. View this talk as Bernie Sanders for Trees. Bernie Sanders effectively used facts, figures, and percentages to advocate for raising the minimum wage or for Medicare for All. Arguing with data is more effective than arguing in generalizations. We can do the same as designers and advocates for the public realm. Considering trees as a key infrastructure instead of a “nice to have” we can discuss how to tackle the inequities in tree canopy disparities across poor and affluent neighborhoods. Given the pressures of climate change can we use the value of trees to advocate for a human right to shade in Philly?

Come check out Tim and his Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Tim Nawrocki
Instagram: @timothynawrocki
    Tim is Principal at LILA Landscape Architecture, a firm that specializes in bringing nature, landscape and art to the urban world. At the same time LILA advocates for the value of urban landscape, helping stakeholders, city officials and the community appreciate how much landscape can impact their wellbeing and economic output. 

    Tim is also an Instructor at Drexel University where he teaches studios and seminars focussed on integrating architecture and landscape into urban contexts. Tim graduated with distinction from Harvard University with a Master of Landscape Architecture and from Temple University with a Bachelor of Architecture. Tim is a registered architect in New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont and a registered Landscape Architect in New York and Pennsylvania.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Lauren Cristella

 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Elevate & Engage: Taking the Next Step for Philadelphia’s Future"
    Philadelphia, once again, will play a major role in shaping the 2024 election and in turn, our country’s history. As we navigate this critical moment, the Committee of Seventy is dedicated to ensuring the city’s future is built on transparency, trust in our institutions, and active civic participation.

    Healthy democracy requires constant attention and advocacy. When individuals get more civically engaged, the institutions that define our country and our way of life get stronger. While all eyes will be on Philadelphia through November, to truly help our city move forward, we need to leverage the energy around this election into full-time civic engagement and participation throughout our city, connecting the dots between how elections and government work, how government affects our lives, and the steps everyone can take to improve their communities. At Seventy, we’re increasing our efforts to make Philadelphia a model of good governance and civic responsibility, ensuring that our city remains a vibrant, thriving democracy. The future of Philadelphia depends on informed, engaged citizens—and we’re here to make sure every voice is heard by providing important resources, perspective, and opportunities to get involved.

Come check out Lauren and her Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Linked-in: Committee of Seventy
Instagram: @committeeof70
Facebook: Committee of Seventy
Threads: @committeeof70
X: @committeeof70
It was Lauren's passion for active citizenship, strong public leadership and practical policy-making that led her to Broad Street and the organization that shares her dedication. In 2018, Lauren began her career at C70 as the Chief Program Officer, and in June 2023, she was named President & CEO, the first woman to serve in that role in the organization's 119-year history.

Lauren has previously served as the President of the League of Women Voters of Philadelphia, where she focused on rebuilding the organization and equipping volunteers to have a positive impact on elections at the grassroot level.

Additionally, Lauren currently serves on the Board of the Forum of Executive Women. She is also a member of Impact100 Philadelphia.