Thursday, October 3, 2024

Meet 2024 Fast Forward Presenter >> Kiersten Mailler


 What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?

"Peer Reviews and Brews: Bringing whimsy and community to the adult workplace"
    Connectivity: People don’t just do or like one thing anymore; they are complex and curious, and their systems should be too. We are a city of neighborhoods that complement one another, from West Philly to the Riverfront, The Navy Yard to Elkins Park, each provides something that Philadelphians need and love. In uCity Square, we seek to provide a community for scientists and residents: we are the second largest gene and cell therapy hub in the country (a statistic often overlooked when Philly is underestimated), and if we can assume hybrid work is here to stay, we seek to make the 3-4 days our scientists are on site the best and most productive days of their week.

    As an urban planner, I work to make connections between people and place, place and ideas, and ideas and people. We are working to be better connected with our university partners to strengthen pipelines for workforce, company growth, education, and university/researcher networks to capture the potential of all the amazing talent in our region.
Our partnerships are our greatest strength, and Philly is one of the best cities to build a strong network. Through creativity and generosity, we are fortifying our region one big idea at a time. 

Come check out Kiersten and her Fast Forward >> Philly presentation 
on October 8th, 6pm at Brickworks Design Studio! 
Register here for your free ticket.


Kiersten Mailler
    Kiersten Mailler is an Urban Planner who focuses on community engagement as the first Knowledge Community Director for a national science and technology workplace developer. She leads programming and engagement for the uCity Square community, predominantly composed of scientists, students, and west Philly residents. Kiersten hails from New England, but has made a home in Fishtown. She serves on various ULI committees (Technical Assistance and NEXT) as well as the Edmund R Bacon Committee with Design Philadelphia.

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