Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Meet Fast Forward Presenter >> Danton Spina

What is your Big Idea for Philadelphia?
Gameful Architecture

The future is playful! When it comes to design, Gameful Architecture is a way of rethinking the creative approach. Architects have classical understandings of design and how buildings should function, but that mindset needs an update. Designers have forgotten how to engage people. Of course, technically we allow space for people, but frequently the perspective of the end user is overlooked or oversimplified. Human beings crave interaction. Why can we not live in a world that plays back instead of remaining dormant? We are compelled by gamefulness in our lives but we do not realize how to achieve it now, in the form of buildings and public spaces in Philadelphia.

With Gameful Architecture, the core idea is to institute more interactive design elements. Gameful Architecture has many component pieces that allow buildings to engage the public and the building inhabitants in a way that many contemporary buildings currently do not. The design should be transformable and compactable. It should allow opportunities for spectacle. And finally the creative process should explore design from a gameful perspective. With these at the core of the design strategy, our city can transform from a skyline of box buildings into a spellbinding place for engagement.

Danton Spina is fascinated by the interplay between reality and fantasy. He received his B. Arch in 2010 from Syracuse University as well as an M.S. in Architecture in 2013 from California Polytechnic State University. His design research is rooted in a theatrical perspective and he specializes in interactive design, a fusion of digital and physical elements of interactivity. Danton’s passions also lie in transformable systems and gamefulness. As a finalist in the World Championship of Gameful Architecture, Danton tested theories on interactivity in urban spaces on an international, interdisciplinary team in Witten, Germany. His research was published in Architecture + Design + Discourse by AeDPress. He has experimented with theatrical endeavors for years and has had several plays produced, including two recent shows in Philadelphia and an upcoming production in New York City in January 2016.

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